Thomas Meagher/CASO/CAIBLM/DOl
04/17/2008 03:09 PM
To Wilma KominekICASO/CNBLM/DO{@BLM, Paul Fufkerson/CASO/CA/BLM/DQl@BLM, Eric Aritrim/CASO/CNBLM/DOl@BLM, James Anger/CASO/CA/BLM/DOl@BLM
Subject Fw: Clear Creek Update / Walnut Creek Wed 4/16
Heres a brief update on the Clear Creek Decontamination Project for Hollister:
Background: The CCMA decon facility has been slow in the planning and design process for a few reasons:
1) Its a small, but complex project and our first architecture I engineering firm Carter Burgess just didn’t perform so we had to go to a second firm - HDR engineering, Folsom CA.
2) USGS water well drilling took much longer than anticipated and when drilling finally happened, no useable water was located.
3) Due to issues like no water supply and zero percolation clay soils, the site had to be moved twice.
Regarding the recent EPA report outlining asbestos risk at Clear Creek, Rick Cooper thinks that even though the BLM may eventually close Clear Creek to public recreation, the BLM will still have employees working in asbestos areas. Employees will still have to do road maintenance to Atlas Mine, erosion control and endangered species work, so a decon facility will be needed for many years. Now that we have settled on a site , on April 16, 08 a preliminary plan review meeting was held in HDR engineering’s’ office on Walnut Creek. Attendees included Hollister BLM (Rick, George, Dave) , CASO Tom M) and HDR (Amy, Blake, Rich, Mike).
HDR’s preliminary plan cost estimate was much more than our available funds of $1.7 million, so we simplified the project to cut costs. Site will be smaller, road grades steeper, decon building will be much smaller (or use trailers), and water will be hauled to the site. The drive through truck wash will be a simple, robust industrial type product that recycles 95% of the wash water.
The goal is to have a construction plan and specification package together by May 15 or June 1 at the latest. Hollister will do an Env Assessment based on a revised prelim plan. Due to the short time frame we will have to go the 8a procurement route and we should be able to award a construction contract in
Aug or Sep 08.
CCMA decon is an unusual project, but I think it will turn out well - as HDR is a practical engineering firm and the Hollister staff is involved and is providing good guidance.
Thanks, Tom Meagher